Te Korowai Trust Services, Whakatū
While our services are targeted at Māori, our motto is `tatou tatou’ which means we are open to and help all people.
Our unique incorporation of Māori values and practices operate within a framework of best business and professional practices. This ‘best of both worlds’ approach to service delivery, has proven extremely successful at reaching the target population group of Māori and other ethnicity whānau in the Nelson/Tasman communities.
This is achieved by addressing the needs of the whole whānau, ensuring that health, social, physical and spiritual needs are met. Past experience has proven this is a successful way of ensuring that services provided are appropriate, individualised and delivered in a manner sensitive to participant needs.
Mobile service
Te Korowai Trust offers a mobile service which reduces the barrier of accessing help and allows clients to feel comfortable in their own home. We have the ability to travel throughout the Nelson region from Atawhai to Hope although clients are welcome to come to us outside of these boundaries.
What we offer
Within Te Korowai Trust’s holistic approach we offer Financial Capability and Budgeting, Social Work, Kairangahau ā-Whānau, Whānau Ora Navigator, Mokopuna Ora Navigator, FASD Navigator assistance, Maara Kai Group and a Kaumatua Group.
Please click on the links below to find out more information on each of our services.