He Mihi

Mihi tuatahi e te atua

Te kaihanga o nga mea katoa

Kei te tangi atu, ki o tatau tini mate

Haere haere haere atu ra

Na reira, apiti hono ki te hunga ora

Kei roto i te pono, i te tika, i te maramatanga

Me te aroha ano o tatau ki tatau

Tena koutou, tena koutou

Tena tatau katoa


He aha te mea nui o te Ao?

He tangata, he tangata he tangata!



“Hei Whakatipuranga / Towards the Next Generation”

Ka tukua e tatou nga ratonga tuturu kia pai ake mo ngā whānau I tenei hapori.

(We will deliver services that make a positive difference to whānau in the community)



Ka mahi tahi Whakatū Te Korowai Manaakitanga Trust ki te hanga wa kia puta ai, mo te painga o ngā whānau.

(Whakatū Te Korowai Manaakitanga Trust will work collaboratively to create opportunities for improved whānau well-being.)


Statement of Values

Our core values determine our ethical code of behaviour as Trustees is listed below:

Homai-hoatu (Reciprocity)

Kaitiakitanga (Stewardship and protection)

Mana (Integrity)

Manaakitanga (Caring and supporting each other)

Tika (Accountability/best practice)

Tino pai rawa atu (Commitment to excellence)

Tino Rangatiratanga (Self-determination and autonomy)   

Tipu tonu ake (Sustainable)

Tatau Tatau (Inclusive of all people)

Tu tonu ake (Endurance)

Wairua (Spirituality)

Whanaungatanga (Family based values)

Treaty of Waitangi

The Treaty of Waitangi is recognized as the founding document defining the relationship between Crown and Whānau, Hapu and Iwi and the Māori community. It provides a framework to work in partnership with Māori by ensuring their participation at all levels to protect their wellbeing – so that they enjoy the same outcomes as all New Zealanders.

Statement of Principles

  • The principle of equity of outcomes for all people
  • The Treaty of Waitangi principles to improve Māori health, social, cultural and economic outcomes.
  • The principles of Tikanga Māori will be incorporated into our organisational culture so that Māori values and practices are normalized. Māori can be Māori.
  • The principle of continuous improvement will ensure a culture of quality.
  • The principle of best utilisation of resources to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
  • The principle of sustainability by securing ongoing funding to maintain services and to generate income to foster growth and economic development
  • The principle of affordability will ensure that financial management is within budget planning.
  • The principle of transparency so that decision making processes are available for scrutiny and open to challenge.
  • The principle of benefit ensures resources are used on the basis of greatest need with likelihood of the best outcome.
  • The principle of effectiveness so that services achieve the desired outcome.
  • The principle of acceptability will ensure that the decisions made are consistent with the values and expectations of the community we serve.
  • The principle of responsiveness will ensure the community we serve is comfortable with the services we provide.

These principles guide the decision-making processes of the Trustees to ensure sound governance is maintained. The Annual Business Plan is aligned with the Strategic Plan, which defines the short and long term goals Whakatū Te Korowai Manaakitanga Trust want to achieve within the objects of the Deed of Trust.

Our background

Te Korowai Trust has come a long way from its early beginnings, as a voluntary group of women working for the Whakatū Māori Women’s Welfare League (the League).

In 1994 the Whakatū branch of the Maori Women’s Welfare League became the first Māori provider of contracted health services in the Nelson/Tasman region and grew to include Social Services. By working collectively, the voluntary members and two paid workers established the foundation and philosophy, from which Whakatū Te Korowai Manaakitanga Trust would emerge in 2001. The Trust purchased the present building at 398 Main Road, Stoke in 2002.

Since its establishment as an autonomous ‘not for profit’ charitable trust, Te Korowai Trust has gone from strength to strength.

We are part of the initiative collective for Te Waipounamu to gain funding for Whanau Ora.

The Trust is now recognised as an innovative and leading non-government organisation (NGO), providing a comprehensive range of quality social development services to the Nelson/Tasman community.